Ansar Youth Association and MCE Mosque Muslimah Committee Present:
Soul Sisters:
Enjoy chit-chat and chai as part of a monthly social circle for ladies ages 15+
Soul Sisters is a monthly social circle for young ladies aged 15+ hosted by Ansar Youth Association and the MCE Mosque Muslimah Committee on the last Sunday of every month. It is an opportunity for young women to socialize, share food, and have fun in a comfortable and friendly setting.
Please Note: The next session of Soul Sisters will be a leisurely hike through Edmonton's beautiful river valley! Given the limited space, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR EACH PERSON ATTENDING. Please register using the link. We will email attendees prior to the event with details.
The last Sunday of every month. Next session: May 28, 2023
Whitemud Park (13204 Fox Dr NW NW)
For more info visit or